#Mental Health Is...

I’ve seen it happen in more ways than one. The way the little things we do, sometimes so minute we don’t pay it much attention, that make a big difference. I firmly believe, and research shows, that actions we take each day can have an impact on our head and our heart.

For some, this means calling on courage and going to therapy. If that is you, you should know you have me, and I’m willing to bet I know a lot of other people who think it is incredible and that you are such a strong person to make that decision.

For some of us, it means the routine of each morning, or right before bed, finding our glass of water and taking our medicine. It’s an act that takes seconds, but for many gives us so much more living.

But if you are reading this and thinking, I don’t have a diagnosis, or a hardship that I think needs therapy right now, don’t leave just yet! Because as I mentioned above, there are actions we can all take everyday to care for our head and heart.

Sometimes it is little ways that we can shift perspectives or lift our mood. Think of a time you’ve woken up, and just thought ugh, today is not my day. (Here is me hoping that some people wake up in that mood sometimes too). Some days I pop out of bed…others, it’s more of a slow lug.

I started learning how our thoughts help influence how we feel, and how we feel influences how we act. (This is the Cognitive Behavioral Triangle in therapy lingo.) So one day, while waking up in my “Ugh” I thought of something I was excited for, or happy about. I’m not kidding you when I noticed literally my whole body felt differently. Just by knowing that I have a bit of control over how I feel, and making an effort to shift that to a positive, I felt it happen. While this model would look a bit differently when working with a diagnosis, this spin that I applied to my life illustrated the power that our thoughts have in our day, and how when we engage with them, it can make a huge difference if our Monday is a mon.day. or feels a bit more like a Friday.

Here are a few things that come to mind when I think of how we can do everyday mental health:

  • Awareness of how our thoughts make us feel and thinking something positive

  • Consciousness of time on our phone and putting it down when it’s not serving us

  • Spending time outside (or with the window open)

  • Cooking

  • Creating

  • Setting Boundaries (this includes letting people know what is ok with you and what is not)

  • Putting on a happy outfit

  • Enjoying a cup of coffee (and also limiting the coffee intake sometimes too…)

  • Reading

  • Petting a dog

  • A long shower

  • Thinking about the food we are putting in our body

  • Having the hard conversations

  • Using our strengths

  • Feeling

  • Flowers

I believe that when we all see how mental health is part of our lives, and make some little choices to engage with it, it gives us the ability to feel a little happier and a lil bit healthier. I also believe that just as we see health as ranging from going on a walk, to receiving treatment for an illness, we can view mental health this way too. And when we do I believe it removes the stigma for those of us needing extra care, and opens the space for us to support one another as we do.

So let’s hear it! What comes to mind when you think of “Mental health is…” ? Let’s start the conversation and show us when you are doing those little actions that support you! Post on Instagram using the hashtag #MentalHealthIs or comment below! Can’t wait to get some ideas from all of you too!