5 Books to Read Right Now

I’m sitting here trying to write the first sentence for a few minutes now, and finding watching the bee popping around the flowers on our tree is a much welcome distraction. When it comes to reading, while it may be a bit of practice to get our brains to focus, the joy, tools, or other places our books can take us may be so very needed right now. So with that, I’m working on focusing myself, and sharing some of my very favorite books with you all!

Before you dive in, cup of coffee or glass of wine and all, I need to share something. The other day, my professor gave us a poll on how we were doing with class reading, ranging from “I just haven’t done it” to “I’ve read it but can’t remember” to “I need to re-read a page multiple times”. She went on to explain that no matter who we are in the world, or what we are experiencing, a pandemic is absolutely a trauma. And trauma in the brain can make it really difficult to take in new information. So when it comes to reading, no matter how much we want to pick up that book, it might feel a little different than usual.

I’m also reminded of how our brains can work as a muscle. We have to practice something a few times and just like our yoga practice, we notice the muscles getting stronger, more flexible, and more natural.

As you find a book you love, have a bit of grace and understanding with yourself that it might feel a little different cracking open the cover this time. I believe the words that are on those pages can bring us so many things we are needing right now too. I’ve shared books below that I think can bring you those things and that I personally love.

An old photo from one of my favorite bookstore adventures at the Harvard Bookstore with one of my best friends, Jolene.

An old photo from one of my favorite bookstore adventures at the Harvard Bookstore with one of my best friends, Jolene.

In the spirit of supporting businesses during this time and physical distancing, I’ve linked spots you can purchase, like one of my favorite bookstores in Boston! Please consider a local bookstore you can either do pick up or delivery at when finding your next book if that’s an option for you! Don’t forget online books are available too.

What a dream. Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge.

What a dream. Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge.

Here are my 5 Books to Read Right Now:

  1. The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor-

    Oh. This. Book!! Mr. Achor fills these pages with examples of how we can prime our brains to experience happiness, and just how impactful it is in our lives. Two things I specifically love are how many research studies are included, making each point backed in data, but written in a way that is a breeze to understand. I also love how many specific examples you can pull out to put into practice in your life right now. You should see how many sticky notes I have in my copy…

  2. Dare to Lead by Brene Brown-

    If you know me, (and even if you don’t), you probably know my love for Dr. Brene Brown’s research and work. I had long been utilizing her findings in the workplace, and when Dare to Lead came out, it was totally focused as how we can be brave, authentic leaders, especially at work. I find that if you expand what you’re reading, you can apply this at home, at work, in your family, and with friends. And absolutely it talks about how we can show up as our whole-selves in times of uncertainty…are you a parent, friend, or spouse? Consider how showing up with your whole self right now can have such an impact on those around you to do the same (and read this book). Use the link above to find so many reading guides and resources, as well as where to buy the book.

  3. My Life in France: Julia Child- Julia Child with Alex Prud’homme-

    Something to warm your heart and make you smile. Julia Child never fails to bring a smile to my face, and a laugh in our house. And perhaps its how Meryl Streep portrays her (what a queen!) in Julia and Julia that exuberates such a genuine joy that you can’t help but feel it too. Either way, Julia’s relationship with Paul, her excitement over the little things like butter, and her willingness to be her whole authentic self is inspiring. I haven’t finished this book yet but I did turn on the movie the other day when I was feeling low, and it most certainly turned my evening around. (Bonus! It’s on Netflix right now!) Linked to Trident Bookstore in Boston…one of my favorite places.

  4. The Upside of Being Down by Jen Gotch (founder of Ban.Do)-

    I just got this book in the mail and I’m so so excited! Jen Gotch has built the amazing, positive, mental health advocate of a company that is Ban.do! And in her personal life, she’s absolutely been on a journey with mental health herself. In this autobiography, she shares what her experiences with mental health looks like, in the same voice that matches her amazing Instagram videos (go watch her dance with the cacti at her Joshua Tree home!). I’ve just started reading, and she gives an amazing description of what living with mental illness looks like, and I can’t wait to read on.

  5. Motivational Interviewing: Helping People Change by William R Miller and Stephen Rollnick-

    Finally, because I’m a grad student, I had to share my FAVORITE textbook that I’ve been reading lately. This is all about Motivational Interviewing (otherwise known as MI), which is a style of therapy that can be used. It specifically looks at how we can ask great questions, how we can use values and characteristics, and so much more. I’ve talked about it on my Instagram before and have linked some of the items from the book too! While it absolutely will help me be a better practitioner, I think this book can also teach us how to better communicate and connect with people, and I just love it.

What are some of your favorite books? Let’s hear them in the comments below! Happy reading and all my love.
