Mental Health Awareness Month 2021! (And blueberry orange rolls)

May is such a wonderful month…it brings the hope of summer, flowers blooming, garden gatherings, annnnnd I always get a bit excited for May to start because all month long we are celebrating Mental Health Awareness month!

This year, I am reflecting what an exciting time in my life to be celebrating all things Mental Health. During this month, I will officially graduate with my Master of Social Work. I begin work as a clinical therapist on a team that I believe embodies the future of mental health.

What comes to mind for you when you think of mental health? What would happen if we changed our language to “mental health and wellness”? After a much needed break, I’ve decided this month is a wonderful time to once again explore these topics alongside all of you. In my line of work, there are specific ways we can address the difficult moments in our life and bodies- and we all have them! We also have researched-supported ways that we can take care of our heads and hearts to best connect with ourselves, the people around us, and our lives. And since I think it can be pretty helpful to get ideas of how to do that, we’re going to be sharing all of it over here!

To kick things off, I’m introducing you all to culinary therapy! Have you heard of it before? While it’s still pretty new, it relates strongly to mindfulness, and is a great exercise for teaching our brain that, after a bit of work, we can also receive the benefits. I’ve slowly been growing my skills in the practice over the last year, and I can’t wait to make it an official part of my work as a I begin my career!

Want to give it a try with me? Join me in making these Southern Living Blueberry Citrus Rolls with Orange Glaze. They’re super easy to make, and let me tell you, this dough feels divine!


As you start, pay attention to how the dough feels in your hands. Feel the texture, notice if it feels sticky, or if it’s starting to feel more uniform.

Can you smell the fresh citrus scent of the oranges? How does the bright scent of citrus make you feel? Does it evoke any memories?

You can assemble the rolls the night before, place them in the fridge, and simply let them rise to bake them fresh the next morning! That Houston humidity was helpful for speeding the process along.

You can assemble the rolls the night before, place them in the fridge, and simply let them rise to bake them fresh the next morning! That Houston humidity was helpful for speeding the process along.

What about the colors? Perhaps flour scattered on the counter, the most beautiful cream with a touch of french blue of your butter, softening in the wrapper. notice the colorful pops of navy and orange, as you tuck the blueberry into your rolls, and let them rise.

What I love about any type of baking bread, is it quite literally symbolizes what is happening to us when we show up for ourselves. Through putting in a bit of care, we too begin to grow and rise. And this process can take time. So while your rolls are resting and rising, consider how you can do the same. Maybe that’s reading a book, maybe it’s showering, maybe it’s calling your friend, watering the flowers, tiding up or doing the laundry. Aren’t clean sheets the best feeling?


This recipe lends itself to be shared as well. Take them across the street to the neighbor as I did. Throw them in the freezer and bring them out for an impromptu coffee or breakfast with a friend or on a morning when you and/or your family need a little sunshine.

Did you try the recipe, or are you planning on it? Do you have another food, recipe, or ingredient that you love to use for a certain reason? Comment it below! And of course, if you have any other ways you take care of your head and heart, I’d love to hear them too. Can’t wait to celebrate with you all month long, and continue throughout this year too.