Maple Lattes w Jeni Britton Bauer

If you have the pleasure of hearing Jeni Britton Bauer, founder of Jeni’s Splendid Ice Creams, describe how she builds community through her ice cream, you’ll most certainly be left with a smile on your face. Jeni is that awesome, authentic person, and her willingness to focus on human beings, and ability to show up and share about herself feels like that of an old friend. And I was lucky enough to share conversation with her over maple lattes and brisket kolaches during her visit to TX.

Our conversation gave me a strong sense of patience and peace when it comes to my career. It’s not everyday that you share love for a business or individual, or in this case ice cream for dinner, and have the founder of that business reach out to you personally. It’s also not everyday that following that connection they agree to meet up with you to talk about your interest areas in person!

I think that is precisely the point that left me with so much peace…it’s not everyday. But the very week that I started putting my message out there and talking about this concept of everyday mental health (which I feel like is my little thing to share in the world), I started receiving the love back. This meant everything from kind messages and comments on Instagram, to in person conversations, to connecting with new individuals and companies, one of which being Jeni’s.

Now I can tell you I was nervous to sit down with Jeni…I think she and her work are so awesome, and of course I was sitting there just trying to figure out what she would really like to discuss with me. But as soon as I shook her hand and said hello, I realized I could just show up as me. We talked about everything from personal life to what we do professionally, and we talked a whole lot about what is going on in the mental health space. Just as much as I couldn’t wait to sit down and share space with Jeni, she made me feel the same way.

I learned in that moment that having a moment to chat with someone like that won’t happen all of the time. I was so fortunate that it came the week I launched the website, because it reminded me that this message I have to share is important and people want to chat about it. But I also felt so very happy and at peace that I can slow down and enjoy. It might not be big wild and flashy all of the time. Sometimes people won’t respond. You’ll try something that won’t work out, things may stagnate, you might mess up, or even have that big ol world failure.

But what stands out even more to me, is that the people that we are meant to meet, the messages we are meant to share, and the work that we are supposed to do, will all come about in the right time, if we keep showing up for ourselves. And I also learned just how much putting a bit of sunshine, color, and joy both for yourself and others in the process can make a difference. So whether you too are trying to figure out where your work or talents or skills will go, or whether you are dating or looking for friends, when you find your values, stick with them, and share them out in the world, I have a peace of mind that your people will show up for you.

Wishing you a week of a whole lot of joy, creativity, and an ice cream or two.