A Visit From Our People

These friends. They’re the kind of people that when you’re with them, you lose your voice laughing until you cry. And you have a deep pit in your stomach when it’s time to say goodbye.

I’ve been asked before about adult friendships, and I think Eddie and Cory teach us what friends that feel like family really are. They were some of the people that grew with us as Will and I grew together, and brought so much joy and beauty to our wedding day. They’re the kind of friends that you know would drop anything to be there for you, have the hard conversations, and without even saying anything, I feel so seen that it makes me feel loved and challenged to be the best version of myself all at the same time. And talk about love. Their love for one another, for us, and for our relationship will warm your heart ten times over.

This weekend reminded me that close friendships are hard to find, but these are the ones that absolutely fill your heart. I’m reminded that sometimes as adults we look around and see big parties, giant wedding and baby showers, and crowded brunch tables. But what we forget while sitting on our couch watching a movie at home is that it is so very rare to find the friends who will be in your life forever. I think we have to choose where to spend our time in a ways that fill us up and gives value to our lives.

For me, my head, and my heart, I’m going to hang on to the feeling of this weekend. I’m also going to reflect on just how much I value being in the company of friends like this. And I hope that it will guide other pieces of life as well, whether it’s knowing that its absolutely ok to be home alone with Will and Mia, or driving us to buy that Southwest flight to go see our people. And who knows, maybe one day we will live closer once again. But in the meantime I’ll hold on to those laughs and those hugs.