Guest of Honor: Let's Talk Politics- Navigating These Next Few Weeks with Dr. Suzanne Pritzker

The election is almost here. For some of us, that means doing our research to ensure we are prepared voters. For others, it’s continuing to engage in conversation around the election. And some of those conversations are really really hard. And finally, for so many, this time is incredibly emotional, anxiety provoking, and for some, traumatic.

Today on the podcast, we are joined by Dr. Suzanne Pritzker of the Graduate College of Social Work at the University of Houston. Dr. Pritzker, a former professor of mine, studies politics, policy, engagement, and has a wealth of knowledge to share during this season.

Over a Middle Eastern Salad, she joins us to share her insights, some helpful resources to help us prepare, and walks us through how this time is impacting our mental health too.

These next few weeks will bring a lot with it. I hope that you’ll pause for a moment, join us for this conversation, and figure out how we can walk into this time together.

Listen to the episode below or via one of the links provided, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or want to chat further!

Election Resources:

As a note, Dr. Pritzker recommends viewing your sample ballot on your local county website. To research what each position you are voting on, what they do, and who is running, The League of Women Voters has an excellent breakdown that I’m using to make my voting plan too!

The election is almost here. For some of us, that means doing our research to ensure we are prepared voters. For others, it's continuing to engage in conversation around the election. And some of those conversations are really really hard. And finally, for so many, this time is incredibly emotional, anxiety provoking, and for some, traumatic.

If you’d like to follow along outside of the blog, it is also available on Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Spotify, and other sources.

On the Table:

Today we are sharing one of both Dr. Prizker and I’s favorite dishes: a Middle Eastern Salad. In this recipe she shared, we used cucumbers, tomatoes, a large amount of parsley, carrots, red onion, all diced. Sprinkle in a bit of lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper, and you’ve got a refreshing, colorful, flavorful salad that ages so very well in the fridge too!

Take Home Tip:

We’re keeping it simple this week. If you haven’t done it yet, GO VOTE! Use the links above if you need some help planning and learning, don’t be afraid to ask or google if you’re unsure about a position. And if you’ve already voted, make sure you’re planning a few ways to take a moment for yourself in this next week too.

Thanks so much for joining us and thanks for using your voice!