Guest of Honor: In Conversation with Kiese Laymon

I will keep my words brief today. Our world is living with a lot of heavy, and a lot of dark right now. I had the pleasure of sitting down with Kiese Laymon to share conversation over his Grandmother’s never shared squash recipe. We talk a bit about the world, about the things that bring us anger, that we can’t comprehend. But we also talk about joy, about people coming together, and about the energy of change, and the energy of love.

Please make time to join us in this conversation. Kiese’s poetic words are sure to open your heart and mind as they did mine. Click the link above to view his works and collections of published articles as well.

Today’s Take Home Tip is to look into the eyes of someone who loves us, and speak with them how about what you both can do concretely to acknowledge and see white supremacy in our society, and how we can spread more love in the next 2 weeks. We look forward to hearing how you plan to engage.

Kiese Laymon, author of the American memoir, Heavy, joins us on Baking Bread today. Over his grandmother's squash recipe, we chat about our world today. We talk about what it means to love one another. We explore some of the darkness, and we figure out where some of the light is too.


If you’d like to follow along outside of the blog, it is also available on Apple Podcasts, Anchor, Spotify, and other sources.

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